
Amartya K. Sen received the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1998. He has taught at the universities of Calcutta, Cambridge, New Delhi, Oxford and Harvard, and at the London School of Economics. Between 1998 and 2004 he was Dean of Trinity College, Cambridge. He is currently Lamont University Professor of Economics and Philosophy at Harvard University. His works have been translated into more than 30 languages. Following are some of his books available in Italian: La diseguaglianza. Un riesame critico (Il Mulino, 2000); Utilitarismo e oltre (with B. Williams, Net, 2002); Etica ed economia (Laterza, 2002); Scelta, benessere, equità (Il Mulino, 2006); Identità e violenza (Laterza, 2006); La libertà individuale come impegno sociale (Laterza, 2007). Also, Lo sviluppo è libertà (2001); Globalizzazione e libertà (2003); La democrazia degli altri (2005); L’altra India (2006); L’idea di giustizia (2010), all published by Mondadori.

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