Oliverio Ferraris

Anna Oliverio Ferraris is a psychologist and psychotherapist who has held the chair of psychological development at the University of Rome La Sapienza. She has written essays, articles, scientific and educational texts on subjects such as normal and pathological development, education and schools, the family, communication and the relationship with the media. She has been a member of the quality committee for public broadcaster RAI – the Consulta Qualità della Rai – and the national bioethics committee (Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica). She writes for La scuola dell’infanzia, Vita scolastica, Prometeo and edits the Italian psychologists’ magazine Psicologia contemporanea. Her publications include La sindrome Lolita (2008), Tuo figlio e il sesso (2015), Pronti per il mondo (2015) published by Rizzoli; A piedi nudi nel verde (with Albertina Oliverio, 2011), Conta su di me. Relazioni per crescere (2014) for Giunti; Più forti delle avversità (with Alberto Oliverio, Bollati Boringhieri, 2014); and La donna che scambiò suo marito per un gatto (Piemme, 2015).

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