
A French economist and philosopher, Serge Latouche is the main proponent of degrowth theory and a staunch critic of the dominant notions of development and economic rationality and efficacy, maintaining that Western society must be emancipated from universal economicism. An objector against growth, and advocate of localism and the dialogue between diverse cultures, he is an illustrator for the magazine La Revue du MAUSS, president of the cultural association La ligne d’horizon, and professor emeritus of Economics at the University of Paris-Sud (Orsay). His published works include L'Invention de l'économie (2005), La fine del sogno occidentale (2010), Le Temps de la décroissance (with D. Harpagès, 2011), Sortir de la société de consommation (2010), Vers une société d'abondance frugale  (2010), De-growth: an electoral stake? (2007), L'âge des limites (2012), Usa e getta (2013), Chroniques d’un objecteur de croissance (2012) and Jacques Ellul contre le totalitarisme technicien (2013). He is also editor of the series “Precursori della decrescita” (“Precursors to Degrowth”) for Italian publishing company Jaca Book.

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