Culture, the environment and globalisation: a case study of the Italian landscape

9 Mauro Agnoletti

Culture, the environment and globalisation: a case study of the Italian landscape

€ 3.00
Saturday 24 May 2014 3.00 p.m.
teatro Bolognini 2

Along with economic globalisation, today there is also environmental globalisation, whose views and policies are shared by the majority of the world. This was a painful process not only for the Italian economy but Italian culture as well, in particular for one of its main manifestations: the landscape. After five centuries when it was described as the result of a virtuous “domestication” of nature (creator of beauty and utility), we now have scientific theories and public policies which consider that model inadequate, seeking to return the landscape to its original, natural state. Is this the right path for the Italian landscape, a common good we should all share? Some of our country’s strengths and weakness are buried precisely within the contrast between a good still recognised around the world as one of the symbols of Italy today, and a negation of its worth.  




Mauro Agnoletti is Professor at the Department of Agronomy of the University of Florence. He is director of the Laboratory on Landscape and Cultural Heritage and coordinator of Landscape at the Ministry of Agriculture. He is a consultant to the Council of Europe for the E.U. Landscape Convention, to UNESCO for the World Heritage List, to FAO. He is part of the steering committee of the International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations. He has coordinated the National Catalogue of Historic Rural Landscapes. He is the co-director of the magazine Global Environment and of the book series about environmental history edited by Springer Verlag. He wrote Paesaggi rurali storici. Per un catalogo nazionale (Laterza, 2010).

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