Living with illness

Eugenio Borgna, replaced by Vittorio Lingiardi

Living with illness

€ 3.00
Saturday 25 May 2019 10:30 am
teatro Bolognini 2

One cannot coexist with illness and its infinite forms of expression unless one descends down the paths leading to our inner world, the consciousness of emotions and thoughts, anxieties and worries, the waiting and the hope within us, which we must find a way to communicate to those listening, especially the people treating us. This is a dialogue between the inner world of the ill person and that of someone who does not allow them to welcome and coexist with the illness in its psychological and human dimension. In this area, the words used by doctors and relatives are of huge importance and they must take into account the patient’s sensitivity and fragility. Illness brings us face to face with the fragility of our body and it is continual challenge to our conscience and responsibility, our attention and solidarity, our understanding and acceptance of pain. Illness sometimes screams in the silence of the heart: let’s listen to it.




Eugenio Borgna is emeritus Doctor of Psychiatry at the Ospedale Maggiore in Novara and lecturer in the Clinic of Nervous and Mental Illnesses at the Università degli Studi in Milan. His scientific work includes clinical and phenomenological psychiatry, general and specific special psychopathology, pharmacopsychiatry and community psychiatry as well as epistemology and methodology in psychiatry. He has also studied the thematic correlations between psychopathological experiences and those that are creative, poetic and artistic. His most recent books include: La solitudine dell’anima (2011); Di armonia risuona e di follia (2012); Il tempo e la vita (2015); L’indicibile tenerezza. In cammino con Simone Weil (2016) with Feltrinelli; Parlarsi. La comunicazione perduta (2015); Responsabilità e speranza (2016); L’ascolto gentile (2017); La nostalgia ferita (2018) with Einaudi; and L’arcobaleno sul ruscello (Raffaello Cortina, 2018).

Eugenio Borgna & i Dialoghi


Borgna Lingiardi

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Vittorio Lingiardi, psichiatra e psicoanalista, è Professore ordinario di Psicologia dinamica alla Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia della Sapienza Università di Roma e Senior Research Fellow della Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati Sapienza (SSAS). Dal 2020 è Presidente della Society for Psychotherapy Research-Italy Area Group (SPR-IAG). Ha ricevuto numerosi premi tra cui il Premio Musatti della Società Psicoanalitica Italiana (2018), il Research Award della Society for Psychoanalysis dell’American Psychological Association (2020), il Sigourney Award (2023). Per Raffaello Cortina dirige la collana «Psichiatria, Psicoterapia e Neuroscienze». Collabora con Repubblicail Venerdi di Repubblica, dove dal 2015 tiene la rubrica «Psycho» su cinema e psicoanalisi. Con Nancy McWilliams è coordinatore scientifico del progetto Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (Cortina, 2018). Tra i suoi ultimi libri: Mindscapes. Psiche nel paesaggio (Cortina, 2017), Diagnosi e destino (Einaudi, 2018), Al cinema con lo psicoanalista (Cortina, 2020), Arcipelago N. Variazioni sul narcisismo (Einaudi, 2021), Consulenza psicologica e psicoterapia (con N. Nardelli, G. Giovanardi e A.M. Speranza, Cortina, 2023),) I meccanismi di difesa (con F. Madeddu, Cortina, 2002, n.e. 2023), L’ombelico del sogno (Einaudi, 2023).

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