Play in the infosphere: the dominion of videogames

21 Luca De Biase

Play in the infosphere: the dominion of videogames

€ 3.00
Sunday 29 May 2016 4:00 pm
Sala Maggiore Palazzo Comunale 2
Are videogames games one plays with a video? They are actually the playful dimension of the hyper story, the time of the infosphere. In the 20th century, the phenomenology of videogames usually concentrated on stories, hardware and the gigantism of industry. Above all, there was a great deal of reflection on the stories: videogames were said to be simulation or learning, a way to liberate multiple identities, handle competition, and voluntarily accept the rules for the purposes of entertainment. But none of these make videogames any different from other forms of games. If anything, videogames reveal these qualities of play in a very explicit way. Their implicit characteristics are more interesting: rules are often discovered along the way to continue and win the game; the combination of the author-led story and the user taking a leading role in that story; the shifting border between voluntary play and compulsory reality. Play in the infosphere explores the reality of the infosphere: the algorithm.




Luca De Biase is a journalist who founded and leads Nòva, the innovation section of the newspaper Sole 24 Ore. In his blog, he writes about the knowledge economy and the ecology of the media. He lectures in digital media at the University of Padua and at the Bocconi in Milan. He was president of the Ahref Foundation until 2014. He is co-founder of the associations MediaCivici and Italia Startup. He is a member of the parliamentary committee in the house of deputies that wrote the Declaration of Internet Rights. His books include Giornalisti online: manuale di giornalismo nell’epoca di internet (Yema, 2003); Economia della felicità. Dalla blogosfera al valore del dono e oltre (Feltrinelli, 2007); Cambiare Pagina. Per sopravvivere ai media della solitudine (Rizzoli, 2011); Scienza della conseguenza (40k, 2012); I media civici. Informazione di mutuo soccorso (Apogeo, 2013); and Homo pluralis. Essere umani nell'era tecnologica (Codice, 2015).

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