Receiving and giving for St Clare and St Francis

16 Chiara Frugoni

Receiving and giving for St Clare and St Francis

€ 3.00
Sunday 27 May 2012 3:00 pm
teatro Bolognini 2

What did St Francis really mean when he wrote in the rule of his religious order that ‘alms are an inheritance and a justice which is due to the poor’? For St Francis, were alms-givers good, or were they returning part of what they had taken? Under what special circumstances did he allow his monks to use money? And what did St Clare give her sisters? What was her approach to money? For the two saints, charity and alms-giving—no synonyms—where the subject of in depth meditation on their relationship to others in the rich and sometimes ruthless society in which they lived. Chiara Frugoni, a scholar and an expert of the two saints, will use images to illustrate their lives and their thinking, which has not lost its exceptionally novel, modern character with the passing of time.




Chiara Frugoni has taught Medieval History at the universities of Pisa and Rome Tor Vergata and in Paris. In the teaching of history, she has always made large use of pictures as well as texts. Among her books, which are translated into the main European languages as well as into Japanese and Korean, are: Francesco e l’invenzione delle stimmate (Einaudi, 1993, Premio Viareggio); Storia di un giorno in una città medioevale (Laterza, 1997); Mille e non più mille. Viaggio fra le paure di fine millennio (with G. Duby, Rizzoli, 1999); Medioevo sul naso. Occhiali, bottoni e altre invenzioni medievali (2001), Una solitudine abitata: Chiara d’Assisi (Laterza, 2006); L’affare migliore di Enrico. Giotto e la cappella Scrovegni (2008), La voce delle immagini. Pillole iconografiche dal Medioevo (2010), Le storie di San Francesco. Guida agli affreschi della Basilica Superiore di Assisi (2010), Storia di Chiara e Francesco (2011), all published by Einaudi.

Chiara Frugoni & i Dialoghi

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