Niggers, fags, jews & Co.—The eternal war on the others


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13 Gian Antonio Stella with Gualtiero Bertelli

Niggers, fags, jews & Co.—The eternal war on the others

€ 7.00
Saturday 29 May 2010 9:30 pm
piazza del Duomo 1

A performance to help understand contemporary society with the spread of hate messages on the Internet, the anti-blacks choruses in sports stadiums, he beatings of disabled persons, the onslaught of xenophobic parties in all of Europe, the murders of homeless people, but also with the first black president sitting in the White House. Popular reporter Gian Antonio Stella investigates our contradictory reality and asks some tough questions on why the guilty feelings about our racist instincts and our contempt of those who are not like us, or about the Holocaust, seem to be dwindling after so many examples of intolerance and distrust. In this performance, freely drawn from his book and accompanied by the music of Gualtiero Bertelli and Compagnia delle Acque, Stella will address the present confusion and uncertainty concerning some of man’s fundamental values. A story in music, songs and pictures on the increasingly difficult relationship between ‘us’ and the ‘others’.

Gian Antonio Stella (1953) is an Italian journalist. He is special correspondent and opinionist for the news daily Corriere della Sera. He has received many journalism awards, including the following: Premio giornalistico Luigi Barzini, E’ giornalismo, Premio Ischia Internazionale di giornalismo, Premio Internazionale Columnistas del Mundo and Premio per la saggistica Saint Vincent. His books, all published by Rizzoli, are L’orda (2002); Odissee (2004); Avanti popolo (2006); Negri, froci, giudei & co. L’eterna guerra contro l’altro (2009); Il viaggio più lungo (2010). His two best-sellers, La Casta (2007) and La Deriva (2008) were written with a colleague, Sergio Rizzo. His fiction books include: Il maestro magro (2005), La bambina, il pugile, il canguro (2007) e Carmine Pascià (2008).

Gian Antonio Stella & i Dialoghi

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Gualtiero Bertelli (1944) is an Italian composer and writer who has devoted many years to researching Venetian folk songs. In 2002, he created the Compagnia delle Acque band. He cooperates, among others, with Edoardo Pittalis, the deputy editor of the news daily Gazzettino di Venezia, and with Gian Antonio Stella.

Gualtiero Bertelli & i Dialoghi

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