The power of dialogue

15 David Grossman , Paolo Di Paolo

The power of dialogue

€ 3.00
Saturday 27 May 2017 9:15 pm
piazza del Duomo 1

David Grossman will be receiving the Dialogues on Man International Award, given to a personality in the world of culture whose thinking and opus testifies to the centrality of dialogue in the development of human relations. Grossman, one of the contemporary world’s most important and authoritative storytellers, will talk about his literary work and his tireless commitment to sustain dialogue and search for a peaceful solution to the Middle East question.

“There is a strong impulse for destruction. A temptation to intensify conflict, but I know that only dialogue can change people”, says Grossman. “And books are dialogue, the power of dialogue. To write or read a book you must consider the other side of the story, you have to listen to it. Only when you succeed in seeing the world from your enemy’s perspective as well, will you be in touch with reality, not just the projection of what you want to believe or that of your nightmares”.




David Grossman was born in Jerusalem and studied Philosophy and Theatre at the Hebrew University. He is one of Israel’s most important authors and his novels have been widely translated into many languages. They include: The Book of Intimate Grammar (1992), The Smile of the Lamb (1994), The Zigzag Kid (1996), Be My Knife (1999), See Under: Love (1999), Someone to Run With (2001), Duel (2001), Her Body Knows (2003), Death as a Way of Life: from Oslo to the Geneva Agreement (2003), Lion’s Honey (2007), Uri’s Special Language (2007), To the End of the Land (2008), The Embrace (2011), Falling out of Time (2012), A Horse Walks into a Bar (2014) and The Sun Princess (2015), all published by Mondadori.

David Grossman & i Dialoghi


Grossman Di Paolo

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Paolo Di Paolo, a writer, journalist and critic made a name for himself on the Italian literary scene when he was very young, He has recently published Tempo senza scelte (Einaudi).

Photo by Paolo Di Paolo, Daniela Zedda

Paolo Di Paolo & i Dialoghi

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Grossman Di Paolo

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