Far from where? Different from whom? Travel and the imaginary

13 Marco Aime

Far from where? Different from whom? Travel and the imaginary

€ 3.00
Sunday 26 May 2013 10:30 am
piazza del Duomo 1


Journeys very often stem from stories, whether in words or in pictures (still or moving), which intertwine and converge to create the imaginary that is invariably at the origin of our decision to leave. We tend to mythologize our destinations, our “abroad”, by producing with our words and images a geography of thought, a sentimental atlas where each place corresponds to an inner or social need—the need to define who we are and where we belong. This is how the myths arose of distant places we locate midway between reality and imagination, such as Timbuktu. In fact, the whole notion of the exotic has stemmed from our inclination to view alien peoples as forever primitive: an often anachronistic and quite expedient Western notion.




Marco Aime is professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Genoa. He has conducted research on the Alps and in West Africa. Aime has authored a number of books: Le radici nella sabbia(EDT, 1999); Il primo libro di antropologia(2008), Il dono al tempo di Internet(with A. Cossetta, 2010), L’altro e l’altrove(with D. Papotti 2012), Contro il razzismo (with G. Barbujani, C. Bartoli, F. Faloppa, 2016) published by Einaudi; Verdi tribù del Nord (Laterza, 2012); Gli specchi di Gulliver(2006), Timbuctu(2008), Il diverso come icona del male(with Emanuele Severino, 2009), Gli uccelli della solitudine(2010), Cultura(2013), L'isola del non arrivo. Voci da Lampedusa (2018) published by Bollati Boringhieri; All’Avogadro si cominciava a ottobre (Agenzia X, 2014); La macchia della razza (2012), Etnografia del quotidiano(2014) published by elèuthera; La fatica di diventare grandi. La scomparsa dei riti di passaggio (Einaudi, 2014); Tra i castagni dell'Appennino. Conversazione con Francesco Guccini (2014); Senza sponda (2015) published by Utet. He transleted Atlante delle frotiere by Bruno Tertrais e Delphine Papin (2018, ADD editore); He's going to publish Comunità (il Mulino, 2019).

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